Hi Gorgeous Goddess, are you ready to fully realize and embrace
who you are and step into your sovereignty?

It’s time for you to step into your confidence and show
up as the Goddess that you are, right now!
You are worth celebrating

I present to you

The Four-Fold Pathway of the goddess

I will take you on a personalized five-week journey of a lifetime as you form a deeper relationship with yourself, become further acquainted with who you are,
embrace your confidence and show up unapologetically.

As you get to know yourself all the old paradigms fall away.

This is the beginning of your personal expression steeped in deep wisdom.

Are you ready to release those self-doubts and be successful in a way that rings true to you?  

You know it’s time to step into and step up, shining in your own light. The Goddess awakens!
Can you feel the power in this statement?


It’s time for you to believe in yourself because one thing’s for certain,
I believe in you.

What would it be like to express yourself in an authentic way, radiate from a place of truth, and honor the fact that you do deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated?

Four Fold Program

Transformation can and will be yours as you commit to your personal growth. 

With gentle guidance you will not only see your strengths, but strategically consider how you can utilize these in creating the life you desire. You will be able to formulate your dreams based on knowing yourself a little better, and the Goddess within you will enjoy the recognition that she deserves. 

Take a moment to consider how you feel as you become more empowered, more successful, more visible, more authentic and more alive.  You deserve a vibrant life, you deserve to be acknowledged and accepted for who you are.  You know you deserve recognition, and you know that the Goddess within is so ready to shine. 

There will be no holding you back. Your accountability with yourself has stepped up a notch as you really feel these statements deep within.

It’s time for you to create, mold and transform your life on your newfound terms.

The transformation program I am offering is the Four-Fold Pathway of the Goddess.  

This is no ordinary program but rather one that encompasses the mysteries and magic of ancient mythology as you awaken to the stirring of the Divine Feminine within. It is time for the memories to unfold and I will create a gateway for you to step into remembering the innate gifts that you hold as a Goddess in your own right.

Expansive truths will be imbued with wisdom speaking to your Soul.  You’ll enjoy the archetypical union and expansive insights like never before. Your senses will become heightened with the entwined threads, and magic will definitely occur.

Dancing through the elements and ancient teachings will have you looking upon the grand stage of life where tales are told, as the wisdom imparts
through the Goddesses styled.

As the ancient mysteries are married with your sacred feminine
essence you will be able to honor all that you are.

The gifts of this transformation will have you:

Lorena Martin Testimonial

I found to have offered me good insights and answers on my life journey, and importantly, knowing I have the capability to use these wonderful tools.

I have completed two online programs with Robyn. First thing that comes to mind is how user friendly and fun Robyn’s programs are, with a good source of information. Robyn is a down to earth lady, knows her stuff, and the passion for her craft shines through her beautiful happy face and personality. Both programs I found to have offered me good insights and answers on my life journey, and importantly, knowing I have the capability to use these wonderful tools. I look forward to enjoying another program.

Lorena Martin

As you join me for the Four-fold Pathway of the Goddess you will have access to five personalized online sessions over five weeks.

This is an exciting opportunity for you to have individual support as
you journey with the Goddess.

Pathway One:  Discover how to work with the energetic pathways and influences to increase your personal power

Pathway Two: The secrets to the unveiling of truths leading to clarity and inspiration

Pathway Three: The exploration of hypnotic and magnetic influences, all the while valuing self

Pathway Four: Creating Sacred Space within and without as you connect with the Goddess

As you are transported to unfamiliar territory where you are able to meet yourself as never before. Your consciousness will expand as the ancient systems and wisdom provide the ideal framework to elevate and uphold you on this unique journey.

You will become much more confident with greater understanding, and you will be ready to celebrate who you are as the awakened feminine.

The Goddess!

Robyn Ridley Hands Up

Are you ready to commit to you? Are you ready to be taken on this journey of transformation? Are you ready to invest in yourself and realize your worth? Are you ready to shine like the Goddess that you are? If not now, when?

If you take no action, are you content sitting where you are? Do you feel satisfied with this decision?
If you say yes, are you beginning to feel a stir of excitement within, as you open to the possibility for growth, transformation and expansion?
Are you an action taker?

The time is now.

Introductory offer

Your investment and commitment to self can be paid in 3 fortnightly instalments. A deposit of $255, followed by two fortnightly repayments of $250 each (totalling $755)

Your investment and commitment to self can be paid in full, totalling $683. A saving of $72

Thank you once again Robyn from my
heart to yours. 

I just wanted to share my experience by attending the beautiful goddess retreat I attended recently at the Gold Coast. Just being there was such a treat for me. 

Robyn created a beautiful space for the ladies and I to bathe in luxury.

From beautiful accommodation and food, therapies. including a beautiful sound healing, lomi massage and much more including the extra bonus day to the crystal castle was a dream come true for me as it had been on my bucket list to attend.

To be a part of Robyn’s special retreat in amongst the beautiful group of women as she shared her book  ‘Embrace Your Essence Your Body and You’  with us was extra special.  I’m so pleased I said yes to taking part in this beautiful experience to allow myself time to embrace my essence. 

Thank you once again Robyn from my heart to yours. 

Sheila Henley – Retreat/Workshop Experience


I guarantee that the Four-Fold Pathway of the Goddess will meet you where you are at, and provide you with the opportunity for growth, transformation and expansion as previously highlighted. 

If you are not happy with your progress, Robyn guarantees to work with you to ensure your personal needs are met.

Who Am I

I am a Goddess who has stepped fully into awakening and embracing who she is. I am a soul coach, modern mystic, intuitive, author and speaker, and I have spent many years working with beautiful women like yourself, to expand and awaken into their
truest essence.

I have completed and facilitated varying programs to international level, which support my ability to share and deliver such soulful offerings in an integral way.  I am a reflection of you, and I continue to dance the dance of life.

My aspiration is to see you grow and shine unapologetically.  As a way shower, I have been journeying with the Goddess for some time, and I know through the awareness and integration of these amazing energies, the potential that is there for each woman.  Like you, I said yes to the ancient mysteries and am stepping into my divine feminine.

I believe all women have a sovereign presence, and the time is now for us to own all of who we are.  

I am ready to journey with you into the Mysteries


As part of the Four-Fold Pathway of the Goddess you will receive:

Total value of Bonuses $250

Robyn Ridley Bonuses

So let’s recap…

You will be embarking on this 5-week personalized online program which will have you dancing with the truth of who you are.

You will accept life on your terms, and you will radiate and magnetize so much goodness into your life.  You will make no apologies for being you and you will stand tall, all the while knowing that you deserve a fruitful, abundant and vibrant life.  I will be celebrating all of you, and you will step into this pivotal understanding of your truth and your personal Goddess signature.  The wisdom of the Goddess awakens!

4- Fold Pathway of the Goddess

5 week personalized sessions online at mutually agreeable time

Pathway One – Energetics

Pathway Two – Truths

Pathway Three – Magnetism

Pathway Four – Connection

Additional program supports

Access to written, graphical, and audio bonuses for the program

Access to the Four-fold Pathway of the Goddess group on Facebook should you so choose

You will receive $250 in extra value!

Robyn Ridley Bonuses


When does the program begin?

The program is personalized for you, and you are able to commence when you are ready at a mutually convenient time between us.  Be mindful of any excuses, distractions or sabotage.  If this program is speaking to your soul, you don’t want to miss out on the exciting transformation that is awaiting you. 

You will notice significant changes and transformation by simply attending the weekly classes, however I have seen the passion, enthusiasm and excitement with women who embrace and implement aspects of the program between session.  It’s about priority, so enjoy allowing the time you deserve.

You are able to pay in instalments as indicated or pay in full with a significant discount.

This is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the benefits and value of
embarking on this 5 week program.


It’s the opportune time for you to journey back to self, knowing who you are like never before, stepping into your confidence once and for all, celebrating the Goddess that you are, and knowing and honoring your own personal Goddess signature.

Introductory offer

Your investment and commitment to self can be paid with a payment plan or full payment.

Your $300 worth of bonuses include your manual, graphic images, meditation and Goddess Initiation.


I support you throughout your transformational program.  This program does not take the place of any treatment plan/s you may have with a health care provider.  Be sure to consult your health care practitioner if you feel the need to do so.